Contributing to Rancher


In our GitHub repository, our wiki contains all the steps to get started with developing Rancher.

Start with our first cowpoke to get started!


All of repositories are located within our main GitHub page. There are many repositories used for Rancher, but we’ll provide descriptions of some of the main ones used in Rancher.

Rancher Repo: This repo is the main repo that integrates all the other repos together.

Cattle Repo: This repo is where the functionality of Rancher is developed.

UI Repo: This repo is where all the UI for Rancher is developed.

Community Catalog Repo: This repo has all community contributed templates for the Rancher Catalog. We welcome community contributions to the Rancher templates.

Rancher-Compose Repo: This repo is what the rancher-compose CLI is based on. It’s synced with docker/libcompose.


If you find any bugs or are having any trouble, please contact us by filing an issue. Though we have many repositories related to Rancher, we want the majority of the bugs in the Rancher repo so we won’t miss them!

If you have any updates to our documentation, please make any PRs to our docs repo or click on the Edit this page to be taken directly to the page.