Upgrading Kubernetes

This page explains what needs to be done to upgrade your Kubernetes cluster. If you are upgrading an existing Kubernetes setup to require plane isolation, please skip to Upgrading to require plane isolation below.

Upgrading Kubernetes


Before you start the upgrade, checking the state of several vital components can help to make the upgrade go as smooth as possible.

  • Host specific
    • Make sure all hosts are responsive/in good condition (check CPU load, memory usage)
    • Make sure all hosts have enough free disk space available to pull the new images (this will require around 3GB of disk space)
  • Rancher specific
    • Make sure all of your hosts are in Active state in the Infrastructure -> Hosts view
    • Make sure all of the infrastructure stacks (except Kubernetes) are showing Up to Date in the Kubernetes -> Infrastructure Stacks view
    • Make sure all of the infrastructure services are in Active state
  • Kubernetes specific
    • Make sure all of your etcd instances report healthy when checking with etcdctl cluster-health (check this in every etcd instance). This should list member X is healthy for every etcd instance and end with cluster is healthy.
    • Make sure all of your hosts are in Ready state when checking the status using kubectl get nodes

Performing the upgrade

  1. In Kubernetes -> Infrastructure Stacks, find the Kubernetes infrastructure stack. Click on Upgrade Available button.
  2. Confirm the template version of Kubernetes is the one that you’d like to use.
  3. Verify all the listed configuration options are valid (these are taking from the previously installed cluster)
  4. Click on Upgrade to launch the updated Kubernetes infrastructure stack.
  5. After the Kubernetes stack has finished upgrading all services and is in Upgraded state, click on Upgraded: Finish Upgrade.


The upgrade is now complete. To verify the health of your cluster after the upgrade, run the Kubernetes specific steps from the checklist again.

Upgrading to require plane isolation

This part of the documentation is only needed when you want to migrate from a setup without using plane isolation/resiliency planes to a setup using plane isolation/resiliency planes.

The migration process is performed in two stages.

  1. Ensuring that you have sufficient hosts with the appropriate labels.
  2. Upgrading the Kubernetes infrastructure stack.

Hosts with Labels

Confirm that your environment has enough hosts with labels for the planes. You can either add new hosts or use existing hosts.

  1. Compute Plane Hosts: For all existing hosts running kubelet and proxy containers, add the label compute=true. These are the nodes already registered to Kubernetes when you run kubectl get node. This step is critically important because, without the label, Kubernetes pods will be orphaned on the host during this upgrade. If you have hosts running the kubelet and proxy containers, you can follow the steps of removing them from the compute plane. You can also add more hosts and label these hosts with compute=true.
  2. Data Plane Hosts: Have 3 or more hosts with 1 CPU, >=1.5GB RAM, >=20GB DISK. If you have an existing Kubernetes setup with etcd services running, ensure that the etcd=true labels are on those hosts.
  3. Orchestration Plane Hosts: Add 2 or more hosts with >=1 CPU and >=2GB RAM. When adding the host, label these hosts with orchestration=true. You can get away with 1 host, but you sacrifice high availability. In the event of this host failing, some K8s features such as the API, rescheduling pods in the event of failure, etc. will not occur until a new host is provisioned.

Upgrade Kubernetes

  1. In Kubernetes -> Infrastructure Stacks, find the Kubernetes infrastructure stack. Click on Upgrade Available or Up to Date button.
  2. Confirm the template version of Kubernetes is the one that you’d like to use.
  3. Select required for Plane Isolation.
  4. Select the configuration options for cloud providers, backups, add-ons.
  5. Click on Upgrade to launch the updated Kubernetes infrastructure stack.
  6. After the Kubernetes stack has finished upgrading all services and is in upgraded state, click on Upgraded: Finish Upgrade.

Removing Hosts with pods from the Compute Plane

WARNING: If you plan to remove any hosts from the compute plane, bare pods that aren’t part of a replication controller or similar will not be rescheduled. This is normal behavior.

Hosts in the compute plane are running the kubelet and proxy containers.

  1. If the host has the compute=true label, remove the label from the host. This will prevent the kubelet and proxy containers to be re-scheduled onto the host after these containers are deleted.
  2. Using kubectl through the remote CLI or shell, run kubectl delete node <HOST>. You can find the hostname (i.e. <HOST>) from the Rancher UI or from kubectl by running kubectl get node. Please wait for all pods to be deleted before moving to the next optional step.
  3. Optional: If you want the kubelet and proxy to be removed from the host, you can perform an upgrade on the kubelet service and the proxy service, without changing any settings. Ensure all pods are deleted on the hosts before running this upgrade.
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