
Machines are created whenever Rancher uses docker-machine to create hosts in Rancher. Adding any type of host through the UI that is not the custom command option is calling docker-machine and a machine entry will be created as well as a host.

Resource Fields

Writeable Fields

Field Type Create Update Default Notes
amazonec2Config amazonec2Config Optional Yes -  
authCertificateAuthority string Optional Yes -  
authKey string Optional Yes -  
azureConfig azureConfig Optional Yes -  
description string Optional Yes -  
digitaloceanConfig digitaloceanConfig Optional Yes -  
dockerVersion string Optional Yes -  
engineEnv map[string] Optional Yes -  
engineInsecureRegistry array[string] Optional Yes -  
engineInstallUrl string Optional Yes -  
engineLabel map[string] Optional Yes -  
engineOpt map[string] Optional Yes -  
engineRegistryMirror array[string] Optional Yes -  
engineStorageDriver string Optional Yes -  
labels map[string] Optional Yes - A map of key value pairs to be used as labels for the machine
name string Optional Yes -  
packetConfig packetConfig Optional Yes -  

Read Only Fields

Field Type Notes
driver string  
externalId string  
id int The unique identifier for the machine

Please read more about the common resource fields. These fields are read only and applicable to almost every resource. We have segregated them from the list above.


CreatePOST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/machines

-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
	"amazonec2Config": {
		"accessKey": "",
		"ami": "",
		"blockDurationMinutes": "0",
		"deviceName": "/dev/sda1",
		"endpoint": "",
		"iamInstanceProfile": "",
		"insecureTransport": false,
		"instanceType": "t2.micro",
		"keypairName": "",
		"monitoring": false,
		"openPort": [
		"privateAddressOnly": false,
		"region": "us-east-1",
		"requestSpotInstance": false,
		"retries": "5",
		"rootSize": "16",
		"secretKey": "",
		"securityGroup": [
		"sessionToken": "",
		"spotPrice": "0.50",
		"sshKeypath": "",
		"sshUser": "ubuntu",
		"subnetId": "",
		"tags": "",
		"useEbsOptimizedInstance": false,
		"usePrivateAddress": false,
		"userdata": "",
		"volumeType": "gp2",
		"vpcId": "",
		"zone": "a"
	"authCertificateAuthority": "string",
	"authKey": "string",
	"azureConfig": {
		"availabilitySet": "docker-machine",
		"clientId": "",
		"clientSecret": "",
		"customData": "",
		"dns": "",
		"dockerPort": "2376",
		"environment": "AzurePublicCloud",
		"image": "canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.0-LTS:latest",
		"location": "westus",
		"noPublicIp": false,
		"openPort": [
		"privateIpAddress": "",
		"resourceGroup": "docker-machine",
		"size": "Standard_A2",
		"sshUser": "docker-user",
		"staticPublicIp": false,
		"storageType": "Standard_LRS",
		"subnet": "docker-machine",
		"subnetPrefix": "",
		"subscriptionId": "",
		"usePrivateIp": false,
		"vnet": "docker-machine-vnet"
	"description": "string",
	"digitaloceanConfig": {
		"accessToken": "",
		"backups": false,
		"image": "ubuntu-16-04-x64",
		"ipv6": false,
		"privateNetworking": false,
		"region": "nyc3",
		"size": "512mb",
		"sshKeyFingerprint": "",
		"sshKeyPath": "",
		"sshPort": "22",
		"sshUser": "root",
		"userdata": ""
	"dockerVersion": "string",
	"engineEnv": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineInsecureRegistry": [
	"engineInstallUrl": "string",
	"engineLabel": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineOpt": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineRegistryMirror": [
	"engineStorageDriver": "string",
	"labels": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"name": "string",
	"packetConfig": {
		"apiKey": "",
		"billingCycle": "hourly",
		"facilityCode": "ewr1",
		"os": "ubuntu_14_04",
		"plan": "baremetal_1",
		"projectId": ""
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/machines'

DeleteDELETE: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/machines/${ID}


UpdatePUT: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/machines/${ID}

-X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
	"amazonec2Config": {
		"accessKey": "",
		"ami": "",
		"blockDurationMinutes": "0",
		"deviceName": "/dev/sda1",
		"endpoint": "",
		"iamInstanceProfile": "",
		"insecureTransport": false,
		"instanceType": "t2.micro",
		"keypairName": "",
		"monitoring": false,
		"openPort": [
		"privateAddressOnly": false,
		"region": "us-east-1",
		"requestSpotInstance": false,
		"retries": "5",
		"rootSize": "16",
		"secretKey": "",
		"securityGroup": [
		"sessionToken": "",
		"spotPrice": "0.50",
		"sshKeypath": "",
		"sshUser": "ubuntu",
		"subnetId": "",
		"tags": "",
		"useEbsOptimizedInstance": false,
		"usePrivateAddress": false,
		"userdata": "",
		"volumeType": "gp2",
		"vpcId": "",
		"zone": "a"
	"authCertificateAuthority": "string",
	"authKey": "string",
	"azureConfig": {
		"availabilitySet": "docker-machine",
		"clientId": "",
		"clientSecret": "",
		"customData": "",
		"dns": "",
		"dockerPort": "2376",
		"environment": "AzurePublicCloud",
		"image": "canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.0-LTS:latest",
		"location": "westus",
		"noPublicIp": false,
		"openPort": [
		"privateIpAddress": "",
		"resourceGroup": "docker-machine",
		"size": "Standard_A2",
		"sshUser": "docker-user",
		"staticPublicIp": false,
		"storageType": "Standard_LRS",
		"subnet": "docker-machine",
		"subnetPrefix": "",
		"subscriptionId": "",
		"usePrivateIp": false,
		"vnet": "docker-machine-vnet"
	"description": "string",
	"digitaloceanConfig": {
		"accessToken": "",
		"backups": false,
		"image": "ubuntu-16-04-x64",
		"ipv6": false,
		"privateNetworking": false,
		"region": "nyc3",
		"size": "512mb",
		"sshKeyFingerprint": "",
		"sshKeyPath": "",
		"sshPort": "22",
		"sshUser": "root",
		"userdata": ""
	"dockerVersion": "string",
	"engineEnv": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineInsecureRegistry": [
	"engineInstallUrl": "string",
	"engineLabel": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineOpt": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"engineRegistryMirror": [
	"engineStorageDriver": "string",
	"labels": {
		"key": "value-pairs"
	"name": "string",
	"packetConfig": {
		"apiKey": "",
		"billingCycle": "hourly",
		"facilityCode": "ewr1",
		"os": "ubuntu_14_04",
		"plan": "baremetal_1",
		"projectId": ""
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/machines/${ID}'
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