Command and Options

The Rancher Compose tool works just like the popular Docker Compose and supports the V1 version of docker-compose.yml files. To enable features that are supported in Rancher, you can also have a rancher-compose.yml which extends and overwrites the docker-compose.yml. For example, scale of services and health checks would be in the rancher-compose.yml file.

Rancher-Compose Commands

Rancher Compose supports any command that Docker Compose supports.

Name Description
create Create all services but do not start
up Bring all services up
start Start services
logs Get service logs
restart Restart services
stop, down Stop services
scale Scale services
rm Delete services
pull Pulls images for services
upgrade Perform rolling upgrade between services
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Rancher Compose Options

Whenever you use the Rancher Compose command, there are different options that you can use.

Name Description
--verbose, --debug  
--file, -f [–file option –file option] Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml) [$COMPOSE_FILE]
--project-name, -p Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)
--url Specify the Rancher API endpoint URL [$RANCHER_URL]
--access-key Specify Rancher API access key [$RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY]
--secret-key Specify Rancher API secret key [$RANCHER_SECRET_KEY]
--rancher-file, -r Specify an alternate Rancher compose file (default: rancher-compose.yml)
--env-file, -e Specify a file from which to read environment variables
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version


To get started, you can create a simple docker-compose.yml file and optionally a rancher-compose.yml file. If there is no rancher-compose.yml file, then all services will start with a scale of 1 container.

Example docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
    image: nginx
    image: mysql
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: test    
Example rancher-compose.yml
# Reference the service that you want to extend
version: '2'
    scale: 2
    scale: 1

After your files are created, you can launch the services into Rancher server.

# Creating and starting services without environment variables and selecting a stack
# If the stack does not exist in Rancher, it will be created in Rancher
$ rancher-compose --url URL_of_Rancher --access-key <username_of_environment_api_key> --secret-key <password_of_environment_api_key> -p stack1 up

# Creating and starting services with environment variables already set
$ rancher-compose -p stack1 up

# To change the scale of an existing service
$ rancher-compose -p stack1 scale web=3

# To launch a specific service in the docker-compose.yml
$ rancher-compose -p stack1 up web

Note: If you don’t pass in -p <STACK_NAME>, the stack name will be the directory that you are running the Rancher Compose command in.

Using the --env-file Option

You can pass in a file of environment variables using --env-file while running a Rancher Compose command.

Example secrets file
Example docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
    image: mysql
    # Just like Docker Compose, if there is only a key, Rancher Compose will resolve to
    # the values on the machine or the file passed in using --env-file

You can launch your service and pass in the secrets file.

$ rancher-compose --env-file secrets up -d

By passing in a file and having an environment variable with only a key, Rancher Compose resolves to the value in the file or on the machine that Rancher Compose is running on. If the environment variable is set in the file and on the machine, Rancher Compose will use the value in the file.

Command Options

Up Command

Name Description
--pull, -p Before doing the upgrade do an image pull on all hosts that have the image already
-d Do not block and log
--upgrade, -u, --recreate Upgrade if service has changed
--force-upgrade, --force-recreate Upgrade regardless if service has changed
--confirm-upgrade, -c Confirm that the upgrade was success and delete old containers
--rollback, -r Rollback to the previous deployed version
--batch-size "2" Number of containers to upgrade at once
--interval "1000" Update interval in milliseconds

When you run the up command with Rancher Compose, after all the tasks are complete, the process continues to run. If you want the process to exit after completion, you’ll need to add in the -d option, which is to not block and log.

# If you do not use the -d flag, Rancher Compose will continue to run until you Ctrl+C to quit
$ rancher-compose up

# Use the -d flag for rancher-compose to exit after running
$ rancher-compose up -d

Read more about upgrading using Rancher Compose.

Start Command

Name Description
-d Do not block and log

If you want the start process to exit after completion, you’ll need to add in the -d option, which is to not block and log.

Logs Command

Name Description
--follow Follow log output

Restart Command

Name Description
--batch-size "1" Number of containers to retart at once
--interval "0" Restart interval in milliseconds

By default, restarting services will restart the containers individually and immediately sequentially. You can set the batch size and interval of the restart policy.

Stop/Down & Scale Command

Name Description
--timeout, -t "10" Specify a shutdown timeout in seconds.

# To change the scale of an existing service
$ rancher-compose -p stack1 scale service1=3

Rm Command

Name Description
--force, -f Allow deletion of all services
-v Remove volumes associated with containers

When removing services, Rancher Compose will only delete the services that are found in the docker-compose.yml. If there are more services within the stack in Rancher, they will not be deleted as Rancher Compose will not know they exist.

Also, the stack will not be deleted as Rancher Compose will not be aware if there are any remaining services.

By default, volumes attached to containers will not be removed. You can see all volumes with docker volume ls.

Pull Command

Name Description
--cached, -c Only update hosts that have the image cached, don’t pull new

# Pulls new images for all services located in the docker-compose.yml file on ALL hosts in the environment
$ rancher-compose pull

# Pulls new images for all services located in docker-compose.yml file on hosts that already have the image
$ rancher-compose pull --cached

Note: Unlike docker-compose pull, you will not be specifying which service to pull. Rancher Compose looks at all services in the docker-compose.yml and pulls images for all services found in the file.

Upgrade Command

You can upgrade your services in Rancher using Rancher Compose. Please read more about when and how to upgrade your services.

Deleting Services/Container

Rancher Compose will not delete things by default. This means that if you do two up commands in a row, the second up will do nothing. This is because the first up will create everything and leave it running. Even if you do not pass -d to up, Rancher Compose will not delete your services. To delete a service you must use rm.

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