
Adding Certificates

In order to add certificates to your environment, go to the Infrastructure -> Certificates page. The page will list out all certificates added to your Rancher environment. To add a new certificate, click on Add Certificate.

  1. Provide a Name and if desired, Description for the certificate.

  2. Provide the Private Key of the certificate. You can either click on Read from File to import from your computer or paste the private key into the text box.

  3. Provide the Certificate. You can either click on Read from File to import from your computer or paste the certificate into the text box.

  4. (Optional) If you have additional chained certificates, you can add them as well using the Read from File to import from your computer or paste the certificate into the text box.

Using Certificates

Certificates loaded in the environment can be used for SSL termination of a load balancer or TLS termination for a Kubernetes Ingress.

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