AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) Credential Updater

The ECR Credential Updater is a container service that periodically polls the AWS ECR API to fetch a new Docker registry credential. The updater authenticates to AWS with an IAM credential, which provides it the rights to request the Docker credential. The Docker credential assumes the same repository rights as the requesting IAM user. The IAM user is required to minimally have read access to all the ECR repositories that a user will be using to pull images in Rancher. Please see the Amazon ECR IAM Policies and Roles for more details on permissions.

Note: Without launching this ECR updater catalog item, any ECR registries added to Rancher will have their token expired and no longer have the ability to pull images.

Installing ECR Updater

Existing Environments

If you already have a Cattle environment running, go to Catalog -> Library to find the catalog item Rancher ECR Credential Updater. When launching the catalog item, you will need to configure the service with your AWS access keys. These keys should be for the user which you have provided the appropriate access policies to.

Note: If you will be using Kubernetes, it is recommended to edit your environment templates to include this catalog template before creating an envirronment. If you already have Kubernetes, you can delete the Kubernetes stack to convert it to Cattle to launch the catalog item and re-launch the Kubernetes stack from the catalog.

New Environments

When creating a new environment, you can use an environment template, which already has the Rancher ECR Credential Updater enabled for the template. This would allow the updater to be deployed on any environment that uses that template.

Windows Environments

Available as of Rancher v1.6.13+

The Rancher ECR Credential Updater cannot directly be used in a Windows environment. If you need to use Rancher ECR Credential Updater to keep the credentials up-to-date, you have to launch the catalog item in an environment using Cattle orchestration. By configuring the catalog item as described below, the Rancher ECR Credential Updater will be able to update the credentials in other environment (in this case, your Windows environment)

When configuring the catalog item, you can select other as Registry Environment parameter. This will enable the option to update Registries in other environments. To be able to update Registries in an other environment, you will have to provide the Environment API Endpoint, Environment API Access Key and Environment API Secret Key.

You can find the Environment API Endpoint by switching to the environment you want to update the registry credentials for, and selecting Keys under the API on top in the UI. The Environment API Keys section is located under Advanced Options. Here you can find the Environment API Endpoint under Endpoint (v2-beta):.

To generate an Environment API Key, click Add Environment API Key. You can provide an optional Name and Description for your API Key. Click Create, and the Environment API Access Key and the Environment API Secret Key will be shown. Remember that the Environment API Secret Key will only be shown once, if you click Close before saving the key, it cannot be retrieved anymore and you will have to create a new API Key.

Launching Images from ECR

In the environment, you should add ECR as a registry. Once you have launched the service, your credentials to the ECR registry will never expire and you will always be able to launch images from ECR.

When specifying the image name in Rancher, use the fully qualified address AWS provides such as:

IAM Policy Example

The following is an example of a broad scope of access you might give in a pre-production account to this service. This would allow Rancher to pull from any repo within the respective AWS account.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
        "Resource": "*"
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