A container is a representation of a Docker container on a host.
Field | Type | Create | Update | Default | Notes |
blkioDeviceOptions | map[blkioDeviceOption] | Optional | - | - | |
blkioWeight | int | Optional | - | - | |
build | dockerBuild | Optional | - | - | |
capAdd | array[enum] | Optional | - | - | |
capDrop | array[enum] | Optional | - | - | |
cgroupParent | string | Optional | - | - | |
command | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
count | int | Optional | - | - | |
cpuCount | int | Optional | - | - | |
cpuPercent | int | Optional | - | - | |
cpuPeriod | int | Optional | - | - | |
cpuQuota | int | Optional | - | - | |
cpuSet | string | Optional | - | - | |
cpuSetMems | string | Optional | - | - | |
cpuShares | int | Optional | - | - | |
dataVolumeMounts | map[volume] | Optional | - | - | |
dataVolumes | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
dataVolumesFrom | array[container] | Optional | - | - | |
description | string | Optional | Yes | - | |
devices | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
diskQuota | int | Optional | - | - | |
dns | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
dnsOpt | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
dnsSearch | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
domainName | string | Optional | - | - | |
entryPoint | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
environment | map[string] | Optional | - | - | |
expose | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
extraHosts | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
groupAdd | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
healthCheck | instanceHealthCheck | Optional | - | - | |
healthCmd | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
healthInterval | int | Optional | - | - | |
healthRetries | int | Optional | - | - | |
healthTimeout | int | Optional | - | - | |
hostname | string | Optional | - | - | |
imageUuid | string | Optional | - | - | |
instanceLinks | map[instance] | Optional | - | - | |
instanceTriggeredStop | enum | Optional | - | stop | The options are stop , remove . |
ioMaximumBandwidth | int | Optional | - | - | |
ioMaximumIOps | int | Optional | - | - | |
ip | string | Optional | - | - | |
ip6 | string | Optional | - | - | |
ipcMode | string | Optional | - | - | |
isolation | string | Optional | - | - | |
kernelMemory | int | Optional | - | - | |
labels | map[string] | Optional | - | - | A map of key value pairs to be used as labels for the container |
logConfig | logConfig | Optional | - | - | |
lxcConf | map[string] | Optional | - | - | |
memory | int | Optional | - | - | |
memoryReservation | int | Optional | - | - | |
memorySwap | int | Optional | - | - | |
memorySwappiness | int | Optional | - | - | |
milliCpuReservation | int | Optional | - | - | |
name | string | Optional | Yes | - | |
netAlias | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
networkContainerId | container | Optional | - | - | |
networkIds | array[network] | Optional | - | - | |
networkMode | string | Optional | - | managed | |
oomKillDisable | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
oomScoreAdj | int | Optional | - | - | |
pidMode | enum | Optional | - | - | The options are host . |
pidsLimit | int | Optional | - | - | |
ports | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
privileged | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
publishAllPorts | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
readOnly | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
registryCredentialId | registryCredential | Optional | - | - | |
requestedHostId | host | Optional | - | - | |
restartPolicy | restartPolicy | Optional | - | - | |
secrets | array[secretReference] | Optional | - | - | |
securityOpt | array[string] | Optional | - | - | |
shmSize | int | Optional | - | - | |
stackId | stack | Optional | - | - | |
startOnCreate | boolean | Optional | - | true | |
stdinOpen | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
stopSignal | string | Optional | - | - | |
storageOpt | map[string] | Optional | - | - | |
sysctls | map[string] | Optional | - | - | |
tmpfs | map[string] | Optional | - | - | |
tty | boolean | Optional | - | - | |
ulimits | array[ulimit] | Optional | - | - | |
user | string | Optional | - | - | |
usernsMode | string | Optional | - | - | |
uts | string | Optional | - | - | |
volumeDriver | string | Optional | - | - | |
workingDir | string | Optional | - | - |
Field | Type | Notes |
agentId | agent | The unique identifier of the associated agent |
allocationState | string | |
createIndex | int | |
data | map[json] | |
deploymentUnitUuid | string | |
externalId | string | |
firstRunning | date | |
healthState | enum | The options are healthy , unhealthy , updating-healthy , updating-unhealthy , initializing . |
hostId | host | The unique identifier for the associated host |
id | int | The unique identifier for the container |
mounts | array[mountEntry] | |
nativeContainer | boolean | |
primaryIpAddress | string | |
primaryNetworkId | network | |
serviceId | service | The unique identifier of the associated service |
serviceIds | array[service] | |
startCount | int | |
system | boolean | |
token | string | |
userPorts | array[string] | |
version | string |
Please read more about the common resource fields. These fields are read only and applicable to almost every resource. We have segregated them from the list above.
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"attachStdin": true,
"attachStdout": true,
"command": [
"tty": true
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/containers/${ID}?action=execute'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"follow": true,
"lines": 100
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/containers/${ID}?action=logs'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"port": 80,
"scheme": "http"
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/containers/${ID}?action=proxy'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"remove": false,
"timeout": 0
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/containers/${ID}?action=stop'