Field | Type | Create | Update | Default | Notes |
cert | string | Optional | - | - | |
certChain | string | Optional | - | - | |
clusterSize | int | Optional | - | 3 | |
hostRegistrationUrl | string | Yes | - | - | |
httpEnabled | boolean | Optional | - | true | |
httpPort | int | Optional | - | 80 | |
httpsPort | int | Optional | - | 443 | |
key | string | Optional | - | - | |
ppHttpPort | int | Optional | - | 81 | |
ppHttpsPort | int | Optional | - | 444 | |
redisPort | int | Optional | - | 6379 | |
swarmEnabled | boolean | Optional | - | true | |
swarmPort | int | Optional | - | 2376 | |
zookeeperClientPort | int | Optional | - | 2181 | |
zookeeperLeaderPort | int | Optional | - | 3888 | |
zookeeperQuorumPort | int | Optional | - | 2888 |
Please read more about the common resource fields. These fields are read only and applicable to almost every resource. We have segregated them from the list above.
CreatePOST: /v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/haConfigInputs
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"cert": "string",
"certChain": "string",
"clusterSize": 3,
"hostRegistrationUrl": "string",
"httpEnabled": true,
"httpPort": 80,
"httpsPort": 443,
"key": "string",
"ppHttpPort": 81,
"ppHttpsPort": 444,
"redisPort": 6379,
"swarmEnabled": true,
"swarmPort": 2376,
"zookeeperClientPort": 2181,
"zookeeperLeaderPort": 3888,
"zookeeperQuorumPort": 2888
}' 'http://${RANCHER_URL}:8080/v2-beta/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/haConfigInputs'